Environmental Management Plans

Environmental Management Plans 

Environmental management plans provide a platform for developers and project proponents to actively engage with statutory consultees and local stakeholders prior to the submission of a planning application. Such plans offer an opportunity for stakeholders to identify their aspirations for a development and provide a mechanism for on-the-ground implementation, environmental enhancement, and management of a site.

Construction environmental management plans comprise a series of measures to which developers will commit during the construction phase of a development. The plan provides details of the legislation with which construction activities will comply and draws together mitigation measures to avoid or reduce the environmental effects of construction activities. Environmental Management Plans are also a useful handover tool for contractors to ensure that environmental impacts are managed during the construction process, as part of their contractual obligation.

Environmental Management Plans relating to the operational phase of a development can be used to demonstrate its benefits to the environment and to local communities. It can also show how landscape and ecologically sensitive elements in a site and its surrounding area will be safeguarded and enhanced.

Aims of an Environmental Management Plan typically include:

  • Improving and enhancing the landscape features of a site
  • Reinforcing a site’s character
  • Improving a site’s visual amenity
  • Increasing the amount of biodiversityon a site
  • Providing shelter and new habitats
  • Enhancing recreational activities such as walking and cycling
  • Protecting archaeological and cultural heritage.

YNB has undertaken the development of several Environmental Management Plans, taking into consideration specific national and European requirements and environmental best management practices for a diverse range of projects, such as urban residential/commercial building developments, energy infrastructure, and the chemical and oil & gas industries.